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Education Cannot Wait Proud to Participate in Global Citizen Festival 2022: Calling on World Leaders and Donors to Empower Girls and End Extreme Poverty Now

Participants will call on world leaders at the UN General Assembly to step up and invest $600 million into the future of women and girls, close the annual $10 billion climate financing shortfall, deliver $500 million to help African farmers respond to the global food crisis, and provide relief from crushing debts to End Extreme Poverty Now.


Education Cannot Wait Proud to Participate in Global Citizen Festival 2022: Calling on World Leaders and Donors to Empower Girls and End Extreme Poverty Now

Participants will call on world leaders at the UN General Assembly to step up and invest $600 million into the future of women and girls, close the annual $10 billion climate financing shortfall, deliver $500 million to help African farmers respond to the global food crisis, and provide relief from crushing debts to End Extreme Poverty Now.

Education Cannot Wait Proud to Participate in Global Citizen Festival 2022: Calling on World Leaders and Donors to Empower Girls and End Extreme Poverty Now

Education Cannot Wait (ECW) - the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises - is proud to support and participate in the 2022 Global Citizen Festival. Participants will call on world leaders at the UN General Assembly to step up and invest $600 million into the future of women and girls, close the annual $10 billion climate financing shortfall, deliver $500 million to help African farmers respond to the global food crisis, and provide relief from crushing debts to End Extreme Poverty Now.


Education Cannot Wait Proud to Participate in Global Citizen Festival 2022: Calling on World Leaders and Donors to Empower Girls and End Extreme Poverty Now

Education Cannot Wait (ECW) - the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises - is proud to support and participate in the 2022 Global Citizen Festival.

Yahoo! Finance

Education Cannot Wait Proud to Participate in Global Citizen Festival 2022: Calling on World Leaders and Donors to Empower Girls and End Extreme Poverty Now

Education Cannot Wait (ECW) - the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises - is proud to support and participate in the 2022 Global Citizen Festival.

Global Citizen

Progress to Quality Education for All - Accountability Report

Since 2012, Global Citizens have taken 1.6 million actions towards achieving quality education for all children. These actions, combined with our high-level advocacy, and the efforts of partners, saw 57 new commitments and announcements in support of quality education. Together, these announcements and commitments are valued at $2.4 billion US dollars, and are set to affect the lives of 60 million children by 2030.


Education Cannot Wait Announces New Multi-Year Resilience Programme in Cameroon Bringing ECW Total Investments in the Country to over US$30 Million

Education Cannot Wait (ECW) announced today US$25 million in catalytic seed funding to roll out a first-ever Multi-Year Resilience Programme in Cameroon. The new allocation brings ECW's total investments in Cameroon to over US$30 million to date to reach crisis-affected girls and boys with quality education.


Education Cannot Wait Announces New Multi-Year Resilience Programme in Cameroon Bringing ECW Total Investments in the Country to over US$30 Million

NEW YORK, Aug. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Education Cannot Wait (ECW) announced today US$25 million in catalytic seed funding to roll out a first-ever Multi-Year Resilience Programme in Cameroon. The new allocation brings ECW's total investments in Cameroon to over US$30 million to date to reach crisis-affected girls and boys with quality education.


Éducation sans délai annonce un nouveau programme pluriannuel de résilience au Cameroun, portant le total de ses investissements dans le pays à plus de 30 millions de dollars É.-U.

Ce nouvel investissement, d’un montant de 25 millions de dollars É.-U. et réalisé conjointement avec le gouvernement du Cameroun, des agences des Nations Unies et la société civile, vise à mobiliser un financement supplémentaire de 50 millions de dollars É.-U. pour venir en aide à 227 000 filles et garçons touchés par les crises.

African Eye Report

Education Cannot Wait Announces New Multi-Year Resilience Programme in Cameroon

The new allocation brings ECW’s total investments in Cameroon to over US$30 million to date to reach crisis-affected girls and boys with quality education.

The multi-year investment will be delivered by a consortium of grantees, including the Norwegian Refugee Council (US$3 million), Plan International (US$3.2 million), UNESCO (US$3.5 million), UNICEF (US$6.8 million), UNHCR ($5.6 million) and the World Food Programme ($2.9 million) in alignment with the Government of Cameroon’s plans for education in the crisis-affected parts of the country.


Education Cannot Wait Announces New Multi-Year Resilience Programme in Cameroon Bringing ECW Total Investments in the Country to over US$30 Million

1 August 2022, New York – Education Cannot Wait (ECW) announced today US$25 million in catalytic seed funding to roll out a first-ever Multi-Year Resilience Programme in Cameroon. The new allocation brings ECW’s total investments in Cameroon to over US$30 million to date to reach crisis-affected girls and boys with quality education.


In southern Chad, Parents Commit to Good Management of the Schools

With ECW support, the Ministry of Education & UNICEF provide trainings for parents & school management committees in Chad.