Country-level MYRP and FER Coordination
First Emergency Response (FER)
FERs respond to the most immediate and urgent education needs as a crisis suddenly occurs or escalates. The decision about which organizations should receive funds is made at the country level via a process facilitated by the ‘coordinating entity’. For more information, please consult ECW’s Operational Manual.
Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP)
A MYRP is developed by a coalition of actors working in education in the crisis-affected area, in close collaboration with national governments and in line with principles of crisis sensitivity. The decision about which organizations should receive funds is made at the country level. For more information, please consult ECW’s Operational Manual; to access step-by-step guidance on how to develop and implement MYRPs, please consult the MYRP Manual.

Acceleration Facility
ECW does not accept unsolicited applications for Acceleration Facility funding. Acceleration Facility applications are either directly selected or identified via a call for proposals in thematic priority areas. For more information, please consult ECW’s Operational Manual.
Additional AF Resources
The New Acceleration Facility Approach (2023-2026)

Reporting Requirements
ECW regularly updates its reporting system based on the lessons learnt from previous reporting periods. To streamline information sharing, our latest reporting processes and revised reporting templates (narrative, results-framework annex and finance annex) are accessible via an internal platform that allows grantees to input data directly online and stores the information online over the entire lifespan of each grant. At the application stage, the ECW Secretariat provides grantees with the necessary access to the online system to fill their respective application and reporting templates.
More information on ECW’s reporting guidelines (how, when and on what to report) and resources are available on the Reporting resources page.
For additional information on reporting processes, please contact:
ECW Secretariat Grants Management
Safeguarding Requirements
ECW takes a zero tolerance approach to abuse, exploitation and neglect of children and vulnerable people, and to sexual harassment. Safeguarding practices are an important part of ECW’s operations and ECW-funded grants with the aim of preventing as well as responding to safeguarding concerns.
Visibility Requirements
Grantees are expected to provide visibility to ECW investments and acknowledge ECW’s funding contributions throughout the implementation of ECW-funded programmes.