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Sudan Daily News

Education Cannot Wait Announces US$5 Million Grant in Response to ‘Super El Niño’ Floods in Somalia, ECW Funding in Somalia Tops US$40 Million

Somalia sits on the frontlines of the global climate crisis. Last year, a ‘Super El Niño’ event caused widespread flooding across the country, impacting over 2.5 million people. Recent heavy rains have made matters even worse.

To provide children and adolescents access to quality education, enhance preparedness and create an anticipatory action framework ahead of future climate hazards, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) announced today a US$5 Million First Emergency Response package that will be delivered across two phases over 18 months by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), in collaboration with local and international partners.

Inclusion International

Working together for inclusive education in emergencies in Niger

This blog post talks about an important project funded by Education Cannot Wait (ECW). The project is called “Accelerating quality inclusive equitable education in emergency for girls and boys with disabilities through partnerships with OPDs, including pilot interventions in Niger and Colombia.”

The project supports national organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) to promote inclusive education during emergencies. The project is led by Inclusion International and the International Disability Alliance (IDA).


Education for the Future: Enhancing Youth Skills Fosters Peace and Development Worldwide

Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations, is one of the world's few multilateral funds to include youth representation in our governance structure. These young leaders were the catalysts behind our new #Youth4ECW campaign, which is activating youth networks worldwide to call for increased opportunities for today's young people.


An On-Ramp To Education For Out-Of-School Children In Mali

ECW and UNICEF work closely with partners to ensure every child has the opportunity to go to school and learn

Delivered by UNICEF through a multi-year investment from Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, in coordination with Mali's Ministry of National Education and NGO partner Association Subaahi Gumo, the Reading Corner at the Mahamane Fondougoumo School has welcomed more than 70 children (including 42 girls) since it was established two years ago.


Cantonal Banks Launch Philanthropy Fund for Education

The Swiss Cantonal Banks have launched an investment solution that includes donations for educational projects. A portion of the fund's volume will be paid annually to the United Nations' Education Cannot Wait fund.

Кабмін розподілив 1,5 млрд грн на програму "Нова українська школа": куди спрямують кошти

Кабінет Міністрів України затвердив порядок та умови надання субвенції для реалізації реформи "Нова українська школа". Її розмір у 2024 році становить 1,5 млрд грн.

Також Фонд у сфері освіти в надзвичайних ситуаціях Education Cannot Wait "Освіта не може чекати" підписав угоду з Міністерством освіти і науки України про виділення гранту в розмірі $18 млн на забезпечення якісної та безпечної освіти. 

Inter Press Service

Special Report: Exposing Afghanistans Pervasive, Methodical System of Gender Oppression

The UN Special Rapporteur’s annual report on human rights in Afghanistan lays bare the alarming phenomenon of an institutionalized system of discrimination, segregation, disrespect for human dignity and exclusion of women and girls.

In the new report, Richard Bennett, the UN’s Special Rapporteur, provides an intersectional analysis of the establishment and enforcement of this institutionalized system of unparalleled gender oppression. It paints a picture of a worsening situation for women and girls.

Education Cannot Wait’s #AfghanGirlsVoices global campaign highlights real-life testimonies of hope, courage and resilience by Afghan girls denied their right to education. 

Yahoo Finance

Global Superstar Lisa Joins 2024 Global Citizen Festival Lineup

As world leaders gather in New York for the UN General Assembly, the 2024 Global Citizen Festival will advocate for the equity of all people, calling on governments, philanthropists and the private sector to ensure the basic needs of the world's marginalized communities are fulfilled, including immunizations and strong health systems, quality education, and nutritious food.

For example, there are currently 72 million children out of school due to conflict and crisis around the world. Global Citizen is calling on the governments such as Australia, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden and the US to provide at least $250 million to help bridge the funding gap of $500 million for Education Cannot Wait, which supports children's access education across 43 crisis affected countries, to help 20 million children living in conflict zones to continue their education.


Education Cannot Wait Interviews The Sunday Times Chief Foreign Correspondent, Best-Selling Author and ECW Global Champion, Christina Lamb

ECW: The 14th of June 2024 marked 1,000 days since the ban of girls’ secondary education in Afghanistan. On that tragic milestone, ECW launched phase two of its global #AfghanGirlsVoices advocacy campaign. In addition to the campaign, how can the world further activate political leadership and how can global partners – UN, CSOs, Governments and the public – help support a return to schooling for all girls in Afghanistan?

Christina Lamb: We should all feel ashamed that there is a country on the planet in 2024 where girls are not allowed to go to school. Yet, three years after the Taliban takeover, sometimes it feels as if the world has just moved on. Meanwhile girls in Afghanistan are losing hope. Unfortunately, the Taliban is a reality, but no one I know in Afghanistan wants their daughters imprisoned at home. This needs to be called out as what it is – gender apartheid. I think any engagement with the Taliban by the international community should be conditional and all global partners should be doing everything to put pressure on them, if not directly, then through others that the Taliban listen to, such as leaders from the Islamic world and influential clerics. Personally, I raise the issue at every platform I can. In the meantime, we should do everything we can to support girls through online learning, by providing books and materials to the brave activists running home schools, and by sharing #AfghanGirlsVoices.

Relief Web

Paving the Way for More Inclusive and Equitable Education for Some of the World’s Most Marginalised Students

Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) announce an expanded three-year partnership that will improve holistic quality learning outcomes and quality learning environments for crisis-affected learners in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Uganda. The new US$375,000 ECW Acceleration Facility grant to Schools2030, the AKF-led global movement for holistic education and teacher leadership, builds on two years of collaboration to improve teaching and learning in countries impacted by emergencies and protracted crises.


Le Mag (18/06/2024) – Transformer l'éducation à l'échelle mondiale

Aujourd'hui, on se penche sur "Education Cannot Wait (ECW)", le fonds mondial des Nations Unies pour l'éducation en situation d'urgence et de crise prolongée. Quelles sont ces missions ? Comment aider au mieux les enfants concernés par la pauvreté ? Comment faire en sorte qu'ils accèdent dignement à l'éducation ? Comment remettre les filles sur le chemin de l'école ? Pour en parler, Patrice Boisfer reçoit Folly Bah Thibault, défenseure mondiale du programme "Education cannot wait".
Dans sa "Loupe", Alix Nguyen met en avant l'ONG "Bibliothèques Sans Frontières".

Global Citizen

Why We Host the Global Citizen Festival

On the equity side, Belgium’s government committed €2 million to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Supplies program, marking its first commitment to the UN to advance maternal healthcare and contraception access worldwide. In another substantial win for education, France made a new €40 million commitment to Education Cannot Wait (ECW) to help children living in countries affected by conflict continue their schooling.