Evidence on access to education and learning outcomes among children with disabilities is generally scant. Nonetheless, existing data show that most children and adolescents with disabilities are less likely than their peers to attend school, learn as much and move successfully from primary to secondary education. In emergencies and protracted crises, these inequalities compound with heightened risk of violence and exclusion from education. Unfortunately, humanitarian response has often failed to meet the necessary requirements that guarantee access to education and a meaningful learning experience for girls and boys with disabilities.

ECW’s Response
ECW operates in low- and middle-income countries, where it is estimated that 80% of girls and boys with disabilities live. ECW’s work to enhance access to education and learning of children and adolescents with disabilities takes place at both the global and country level. ECW raises awareness of disability inclusion among key stakeholders – including Government, and humanitarian and development aid actors.
ECW also funds, through its Acceleration Facility, the generation of knowledge and tools that can help improve access and learning outcomes of girls and boys with disabilities in emergencies and protracted crises.
At the country level, ECW leverages a two-pronged approach. In each programme, ECW seeks to target girls and boys with disabilities through interventions meeting their specific requirements. The Fund also ensures that all programme interventions embed the perspectives of learners with disabilities so that they can benefit and be active stakeholders on an equal basis with others.