ECW Calls for Proposals to Address Intersection of Climate and Education Crisis

Request for Proposals (RFP) addressing the intersection of climate change and education in emergencies and protracted crises.
The climate crisis is an education crisis. Climate change, environmental degradation and biodiversity loss threaten children’s right to safe, inclusive and quality education, their well-being and their protection. At the same time, education can be a gateway towards adaptation and mitigation.
ECW’s Acceleration Facility provides a flexible financing mechanism to fund strategic initiatives which tackle systemic barriers to quality education. ECW has committed to investing in three new Acceleration Facility partnerships to ensure greater focus and improved responsiveness within the Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises (EiEPC) sector to climate-related risks and hazards in the countries worst affected by the climate crisis.
This particular RFP seeks proposals to address one of three objectives. These objectives have been identified by ECW after careful analysis of systemic obstacles and sectoral gaps at the intersection of EIEPC and the climate crisis.
RFP Objectives (select one):
1) Develop and disseminate Global Guidance for the greening of Temporary Learning Spaces
2) Undertake research and advocacy on Loss & Damage and Education in Emergencies & Protracted Crises.
3) Scale up and share effective models for locally-led, innovative climate-smart EIEPC programming
The application process will be in two stages. The first stage is an Expression of Interest (EoI) stage, based on which ECW will shortlist applicants that meet minimum criteria and pass the bar for invitation to submit their full proposal.
For more details on eligibility/objectives/priority countries, please register for the online orientation and refer to the below RFP and related resources.
Proposal Submission Deadline
5 August 2024
Download Related Submission Documents
- ECW AF Request for Proposals
- ECW AF RFP Expression of Interest (Application Template)
- ECW Expression of Interest Budget Template
- ECW Climate RFP FAQ
Watch the Online Orientation on ECW’s Open Call for Proposals to Address Intersection of Climate & Education Crisis
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