In June 2022, education and finance leaders came together at a Pre-Summit in Paris to discuss their priorities for the upcoming Transforming Education...
Around the world, 222 million children are having their education cruelly interrupted. Their dreams for the future are snatched away by conflicts, displacement...
Catherine M. Russell became UNICEF’s eighth Executive Director on 1 February 2022. Ms. Russell brings to the role decades of experience in developing...
Request for Proposals (RFP) promoting inclusive education and providing targeted support to children with disabilities in emergencies and protracted crises. Education Cannot Wait...
Organized by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid Monday, May 23, 2022 –15:00-17:30 CET With the complex social changes taking place...
ECW: Congratulations on your appointment by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres as the Special Adviser for the Transforming Education Summit . What do...
Twitter chat, Thursday May 12, 2022, 14:00-15:00 CEST During humanitarian crises or conflicts girls need safe and protective learning environments, they require learning...
ECW: The International Disability Alliance (IDA), Government of Norway and Government of Ghana hosted the second Global Disability Summit in February. At the...
As the world continues to evolve, new threats challenge our security: climate change, gender inequality, armed conflicts and more, no longer restricted to...