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RCN Radio

Miles de niños en riesgo de abandonar el colegio: estas son las principales dificultades

"Sara Saldarriaga, Líder de Educación en World Vision, destaca: "Regresar a clases no es algo fácil de asegurar para todos los niños y niñas. Este debería ser un pleno ejercicio del derecho a la educación, y en esto influyen diferentes aspectos que hay que considerar como son las condiciones socioeconómicas de las familias, sus intenciones de buscar oportunidades en otros lugares o el costo que les implica cuando tienen varios hijos/as en edad escolar."

Para abordar estos desafíos, World Vision implementó durante tres años el proyecto "La Educación No Puede Esperar", financiado por el fondo de Emergencias para la Educación, Education Can not Wait y la Embajada de Canadá. Este proyecto se centró en mejorar el acceso a una educación de calidad, protectora y equitativa para la niñez y adolescencia migrante y refugiada que no asiste a la escuela por diversas razones, beneficiando a un promedio de 39.000 personas, incluyendo a la niñez y sus familias.

SEA Chronicle

国际教育日声明:教育无法等待执行董事Yasmine Sherif谈学习带来持久和平


Interfax Ukraine

Міносвіти, Мінцифри та Фонд Зеленської запустили "Коаліцію девайсів" для українських учнів і вчителів

У Міносвіти повідомили про перші домовленості - понад 50 тис. пристроїв, які передають у рамках "Коаліції девайсів" від Дитячого фонду ООН (ЮНІСЕФ), Education Cannot Wait, Міністерства економіки та інновацій Литви та Японського агентства міжнародного співробітництва (JICA).

"Мета коаліції цьогоріч - закрити критичну потребу в девайсах для дітей і вчителів із 10 областей, у яких переважає дистанційне навчання. Зараз критична потреба ноутбуків становить понад 96 тисяч пристроїв для дітей і понад 29 тисяч для вчителів", - ідеться в повідомленні.

The Luverne Journal

Learning for a Lasting Peace: International Day of Education Statement by Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine Sherif

This includes early childhood education, accelerated learning, mental health and psychosocial support, school feeding, school supplies and equipment, gender-sensitive water and sanitation facilities, cash-transfers to incentivize school attendance, vocational training to enter the workforce, risk management to stay safe, and trained teachers that foster young talents and nurture the ideals of compassion, community and the common good.  

To deliver on our promises outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals, legal commitments in the UN Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international accords, we urgently need more financial resources to deliver the hope and opportunity of an education for girls and boys living on the frontlines of these conflicts and crises. Education Cannot Wait calls on our strategic donors, philanthropic foundations and the private sector to reach our target of  US$1.5 billion so that ECW and our partners worldwide can reach 20 million crisis-affected girls and boys with quality education by 2026.

The Riverton Journal

Learning for a Lasting Peace: International Day of Education Statement by Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine Sherif

As global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the UN, Education Cannot Wait has a proven, innovative model of bringing together governments, UN agencies, civil society, private sector and, above all, local communities, to rapidly deliver quality education for the world's most vulnerable girls and boys. Working across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, joint programming allows for a holistic education approach to achieve an inclusive, continued quality education in emergencies and protracted crises. Together with all our partners, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) has reached over 9 million crisis-affected girls and boys with a quality education in just a few years.


60% of Borno, Adamawa, Yobe schools lack qualified teachers — UNICEF

“We must make a sizeable and sustainable investment in teachers’ recruitment and training, school infrastructure and security, including fortification of school infrastructure against climate change disruptions,” said UNICEF official Phuong Nguyen.

The commemoration in Maiduguri, funded by a humanitarian organization, Education Cannot Wait, featured a Spelling Bee Competition by three selected junior secondary schools.

Chad Basin Junior Day Secondary emerged first in the competition with 12 points; followed by Lamisula Junior Secondary School, coming second; and Kaleri Junior Day Secondary School, third.

Inter Press Service

Learning for a Lasting Peace

Education is the bedrock of peace, the foundation of strong societies, and the building block for a better world. This year, as we celebrate the Sixth International Day of Education under the theme of ‘learning for a lasting peace’, we call on world leaders to end wars and armed conflicts and focus on our common humanity to embrace the vast potential learning offers in uniting our world.

Malaysian Buzz

Pembelajaran untuk Keamanan yang Berkekalan: Kenyataan Pengarah Eksekutif Education Cannot Wait Yasmine Sherif pada Hari Pendidikan Antarabangsa

Pendidikan adalah batu asas keamanan, asas masyarakat yang kukuh, dan bongkah pembina untuk dunia yang lebih baik. Tahun ini, ketika kita merayakan Hari Pendidikan Antarabangsa di bawah tema ‘pembelajaran untuk keamanan yang kekal’, kami menyeru pemimpin dunia untuk mengakhiri peperangan dan konflik bersenjata dan fokus kepada kemanusiaan kita yang sama untuk memeluk potensi besar yang dapat ditawarkan pembelajaran dalam menyatukan dunia kita.

Austin Daily Herald

Learning for a Lasting Peace: International Day of Education Statement by Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine Sherif

Education is the bedrock of peace, the foundation of strong societies, and the building block for a better world. This year, as we celebrate the Sixth International Day of Education under the theme of 'learning for a lasting peace', we call on world leaders to end wars and armed conflicts and focus on our common humanity to embrace the vast potential learning offers in uniting our world.

Le Sahel

Célébration de la sixième édition de la Journée internationale de l’éducation célébrée le 24 janvier sur le thème « Apprendre pour une paix durable »

Dans le cadre des interventions dans le domaine de l’éducation en situation d’urgence, World Vision Niger met en œuvre le Programme d’Appui à la Qualité de l’Education en Situation d’Urgence (PAQUES), qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du Programme Pluriannuel de Résilience (PPR) du Niger. L’objectif global visé par le PAQUES est d’améliorer l’accès à une éducation inclusive, équitable et de qualité pour les enfants et adolescents déplacés internes, réfugiés et issus de communautés hôtes au Niger, Ce programme est co-financé par les fonds MYRP (Multi Year Resilience Program ou programme pluriannuel de résilience) d’Education Cannot Wait (ECW) et World Vision Allemagne.

UNICEF Empowers 285,000 With Learning Skills In Borno, Yobe

The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has provided essential learning skills to 285,000 beneficiaries in Borno and Yobe states.

The initiative is thanks to funding from the Partnership for Learning for All in Nigeria project by the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, in collaboration with Education Cannot Wait.

The beneficiaries include 270,500 children aged 6 to 17 years, comprising 45% boys and 55% girls, along with 7,200 educators and facilitators, 1,035 government officials, and 2,235 school and center-based management committee members.

Good News From Indonesia

Hari Pendidikan Internasional, Peran Pendidikan bagi Perdamaian Dunia dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

Dipandu oleh Heela Yoon sebagai Ketua Pemuda GPE sekaligus aktivis perdamaian dan pendidikan berbasis Inggris yang akan berdiskusi bersama CEO GPE, Laura Frigenti dan Direktur Eksekutif Education Cannot Wait, Yasmine Sherif.

Peringatan Hari Pendidikan Internasional yang bertajuk “Raise Your Hand” diselenggarakan tanggal 24 Januari 2024 pukul 09.30 EST (Eastern Standard Time atau Waktu Standar Timur) atau pukul 21.30 WIB secara Live pada laman Youtube GPE. Berikut link Youtube GPE.