Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP) Peru (2024-2027)

The second ECW-funded Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP) in Peru aims at ensuring access, retention and completion of the education trajectory in a safe and inclusive learning environment for children and adolescents in Peru, including children with disabilities and those from vulnerable groups, such as Venezuelan refugees and migrants. Despite government policies guaranteeing education access for all children in Peru regardless of legal status, barriers such as unclear enrollment processes, financial constraints, frequent mobility, and discrimination and poor enforcement of these policies at school level, keep Venezuelan children out of school or dropping out at high rates. Thousands of Venezuelan children remain out of school, and dropout rates among refugee and migrant children are far higher than the national average. The programme seeks to reach over 50,000 children from refugee, migrants and host communities in Metropilitan Lima and La Libertad. The MYRP builds on previous ECW investments in Peru and will be implemented through a consortium of partners, including RET Peru, Association of Venezuelans in trujillio (ASOVENTRU), a local refugee women-led organization in Peru, as well as PLAN International and UNESCO.