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Relief Web

UNICEF Central African Republic Humanitarian Situation Report No. 2: March-April 2024

In the HAC 2024, UNICEF requested US$ 66.7 million to address the humanitarian needs of children and women in the Central African Republic (CAR). As of April 2024, approximately US$ 7.6 million (11% of the appeal) has been received, thanks to contributions from the Governments of Japan, Korea, Sweden, the UK (FCDO), EU/ECHO, and UNICEF National Committees in Germany and Spain. Additionally, US$ 18.5 million (28% of the appeal) was carried forward from the previous year, enabling a seamless humanitarian response, with support from the Governments of Canada, Norway, USA (USAID, BHA, State Department), the European Union, Gavi, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), and UNICEF National Committees in France and Spain.


A Starting Point of Ongoing Dialogues towards a Common Vision and Shared Strategy on Education for Rohingya and Host Community Children

Withing the framework of the ECW Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP II), UNESCO, UNHCR, UNICEF, Plan International, Save the Children and World Vision organized the Forum on Education for Rohingya and Host Community Children on 29 May 2024 in Cox’s Bazar, with the support of the Office of the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC) and the Education Sector of Cox’s Bazar.


Maximizing the Impact: The Role of Effective Education Spending in Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth

Initiatives such as the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the Education Cannot Wait fund are instrumental in providing financial assistance and technical support to strengthen education systems in low-income and crisis-affected countries. By fostering collaboration and coordination among diverse stakeholders, these initiatives contribute to building resilient and inclusive education systems that leave no one behind. - Agenzia Internazionale Stampa Estero

Flowing Futures: Mercoledì L’evento Aics sul Diritto All’acqua

Organizzato da WeWorld congiuntamente ad AICS, l’incontro è promosso dalla Campagna Globale per l’Educazione e dal Fondo delle Nazioni Unite Education Cannot Wait.


New ECW Climate Champion Adenike Oladosu Calls for Integrating Climate and Education Action

On World Environment Day, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) appointed Adenike Oladosu, a prominent young climate activist from Nigeria, as its new ‘ECW Climate Champion.’ Known as ‘@TheEcoFeminist’ on social media, Oladosu has been a leading voice for climate action in Africa, representing Nigerian youth at the Conference of the Parties (COP) Climate Talks since 2019.

PR Newswire

Education Cannot Wait's New Climate Champion Adenike Oladosu Calls on World Leaders to Act #RightHereRightNow to Connect Climate Action with Education Action on World Environment Day

With her new appointment, Oladosu called on world leaders to connect climate action with education action as we race to protect our people and our planet from the devastating consequences of the climate crisis, including its negative impacts on education.

"The interconnected challenges of conflict, forced displacement, environmental degradation and climate change are putting an entire generation at risk. To address the growing education/climate crisis, we must act #RightHereRightNow to ensure access to quality education for millions of crisis-impacted girls and boys worldwide," said Oladosu.

Business Today

Education Cannot Wait's New Climate Champion Adenike Oladosu Calls on World Leaders to Act #RightHereRightNow to Connect Climate Action with Education Action on World Environment Day

On World Environment Day, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), appointed Adenike Oladosu, a visionary young climate activist from Nigeria, as its new 'ECW Climate Champion'. Known as '@The EcoFeminist' to her social media followers, Oladosu is one of Africa's most prominent climate activists, and has represented Nigeria's youth as a delegate to the Conference of the Parties (COP) Climate Talks since 2019.

Global Citizen

#ShareTheirVoices: Kids in Conflict

Now Education Cannot Wait has launched #ShareTheirVoices – an urgent new campaign to increase funding for the +226 million crisis-impacted children and adolescents in need of urgent education support. ECW is sharing these voices and stories of children in conflict directly with world leaders.

Global Citizen

Conflict Is Fueling These 8 Humanitarian Crises Around the World — Here’s How You Can Help

Amplify the voices of children who are experiencing conflict and missing school as a result, in support of Education Cannot Wait (ECW), an organization that is at the forefront of this fight, working tirelessly to ensure that crisis-impacted children receive the education they desperately need. Click here to take action.

Brookings Institution

Launch – State of Play Report: Progress and Challenges in Digital Learning for Refugee and Displaced Youth

To understand this changing landscape, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), UNHCR, and the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies (EiE Hub) have commissioned a report to provide an up-to-date global overview and analysis of investments and action on displaced population’s inclusion in digital learning. The report also provides updates on the Refugee Connected Education Challenge (RCEC), relevant stakeholders’ current investments and initiatives, as well as trends and lessons learned from efforts to support the inclusion of refugees in digital learning programmes. Finally, opportunities for strategic investments are identified and a call for action is made, to encourage stakeholders to develop further opportunities on data, leadership and coordination, and capacity development.

Relief Web

A Message Ahead of COP29: Education in emergencies is crucial to climate action for crisis-affected and displaced children and youth

This is why the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies (EiE Hub) – with leading contributions from Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and UNESCO – submitted an input to the UNFCCC’s call for input to the Expert Dialogue on Children and Climate Change, which reiterates these key facts about EiE and climate change. The input highlights the important contribution that education – particularly in crisis contexts – can make to address the consequences of climate change, pointing to a wide range of policy solutions and best practices.

Relief Web

Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies: Submission to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change regarding its call for input to the Expert Dialogue on Children and Climate Change

The Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies (“EiE Hub”) – with leading contributions from Education Cannot Wait (“ECW”), the Global Partnership for Education (“GPE”) and UNESCO – makes this submission to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (“UNFCCC”) under the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (“SBI”) decision 1/CMA.5, para 182, regarding its call to share experience in, and examples of, the disproportionate impacts of climate change on children and relevant policy solutions ahead of the Expert Dialogue on Children and Climate Change, to be held in Bonn, Germany on 4th June 2024.