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Project Syndicate

Don't Let Young Pakistanis' Futures Be Washed Away

In addition to immediate support to limit further loss of life from this summer’s floods, Pakistan needs funding to prevent further loss of learning among children who already missed out on months of education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of young people’s futures now hang in the balance.

Inter Press Service

Transforming Girls’ Education, Changing The World

NEW YORK, Sep 2 2022 (IPS) - As we approach this year’s Transforming Education Summit, global leaders can and must prioritize expertise and mobilize political will to support efforts to ensure inclusive and quality education for all, especially girls.


One Year After Leaving Afghanistan, Fawzia Koofi Is Determined To Go Back

Girls’ education is in jeopardy once again under the renewed Taliban rule. Last March, the Taliban banned girls’ access to secondary school. According to Education Cannot Wait, a global U.N. fund for education, an estimated 8 million school-aged children need urgent support to access education.

Inter Press Service

Mental Health as a Human Right Left Behind for Children in Fragile and Humanitarian Settings

Hiding in basements during bombings, fleeing their homes, going hungry, and facing the devastating and life-transformative traumas of losing their loved ones as their childhoods go up in flames of war. These are the lived experiences of crisis-impacted children and adolescents.

“They have also seen militia, army and may have been subjected to war crimes, violations of international law, sexual violence and torture. When you go through such experiences, without a doubt, you are going to suffer some form of trauma,” says Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises.

UN News

UN fund reports ‘solid results’ empowering girls and boys in crises with opportunity of quality education

The Report indicates that ECW investments have reached close to 7 million children and adolescents – 48.4 per cent of whom are girls – since becoming operational in 2017. Moreover, of all children reached by ECW’s investments to date, half are girls, and 43 per cent are refugee or internally displaced children.

Inter Press Service

Keeping the Promise of Education for Crisis-Impacted Children and Adolescents

‘We Have Promises to Keep’ – Education Cannot Wait results report shows how investments reach 7 million crisis-impacted children and adolescents in the world’s toughest contexts. However, the report indicates there is still much work to be done as 222 million school-aged children and adolescents caught in crises urgently need educational support.

Yahoo News UK

The history of secret education for girls in Afghanistan – and its use as a political symbol

In August 2021 the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan, and since then secondary education for girls in the country has been banned. However, there have been reports of clandestine girls’ schools operating despite the ban. Teenage girls are reportedly taking extraordinary risks to attend lessons. Their teachers bravely share knowledge, even if they do not have extensive experience or the backup of an education system.

우리에게는 지켜야 할 약속이 있습니다' - '교육은 기다릴 수 없습니다' 투자 기금, 위기에 처한 700만 아동 지원 입력2022-08-23 20:00:00 수정2022-08-23 2

뉴욕,  2022년 8월 23일 /PRNewswire/ --비상 사태 및 장기화된 위기 상황에서의 교육을 위한 유엔 글로벌 기금 '교육은 기다릴 수 없습니다(Education Cannot, ECW)'는 오늘 2017년 기금 운영을 시작한 이래 전략적 파트너와 ECW 투자를 통해 700만 명에 달하는 아동 및 청소년(그 중 48.4%는 여아)을 지원했음을 보여주는 새로운 "우리에게는 지켜야 할 약속이 있습니다: 연례 보고서"를 발표했다. 

Yahoo! Finance

‘We Have Promises to Keep’ - Education Cannot Wait Investments Reach 7 Million Crisis-Impacted Children

Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, issued its new "We Have Promises to Keep: Annual Results Report" today indicating that ECW investments with strategic partners have reached close to 7 million children and adolescents – 48.4% of whom are girls – since the Fund became operational in 2017.

AP News

‘We Have Promises to Keep’ - Education Cannot Wait Investments Reach 7 Million Crisis-Impacted Children

Education Cannot Wait ( ECW ), the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, issued its new ” We Have Promises to Keep: Annual Results Report ” today indicating that ECW investments with strategic partners have reached close to 7 million children and adolescents – 48.4% of whom are girls – since the Fund became operational in 2017.


纽约2022年8月23日 /美通社/ -- 联合国全球紧急情况和长期危机教育基金"教育不能等待"(ECW)今日发布的《我们秉持承诺:年度业绩报告》表明,自2017年该基金投入运营以来,ECW与战略合作伙伴的投资惠及了近700万儿童和青少年(其中48.4%为女孩)。

Project Syndicate

The Taliban’s War on Women and Girls

LONDON – When Taliban leaders visited an elementary school in Kabul in October 2021, two months after retaking control of Afghanistan, several seven- or eight-year-old girls bravely stood up, one by one, to declare: “Our classes have resumed, but not for our older sisters. We have been promised that our older sisters will return to class, but this has not happened yet!”