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Showing 85 - 96 of 1447 results

Education Cannot Wait Announces US$8 Million Catalytic Grant to Scale-Up Multi-Year Resilience Programme in Ecuador, Issues Call for More Funding

In response to these challenges, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and its global strategic partners announced today a new US$8 million catalytic Multi-Year Resilience Programme grant that will be delivered by a consortium of partners, led by RET International in coordination with Ecuador's Ministry of Education and local partners, to reach a total of 42,700 children and adolescents. Consortium partners include Plan International, Child Fund, and the Ibero-American Institute of Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Andrés Bello Convention Organization (IPANC-CAB).

La Economía

El fondo La Educación No Puede Esperar anuncia una subvención catalizadora de 8 millones de dólares para ampliar el programa de resiliencia plurianual en el Ecuador y hace un llamado a más financiamiento

La educación es un salvavidas para los niños y niñas que viven en Ecuador. Dos de cada diez infancias refugiadas y migrantes no asisten a la escuela. La violencia, la incertidumbre económica y la inseguridad continúan afectando a la nación y a la región en su conjunto. Hacemos un llamado urgente a las y los líderes mundiales para que para aumentar el financiamiento. Nuestra inversión en la educación es nuestra inversión en el vasto potencial de las infancias y jóvenes de América Latina», dijo Yasmine Sherif, Directora Ejecutiva de Education Cannot Wait, el fondo global para la educación en emergencias y crisis prolongadas dentro de las Naciones Unidas.


A Ray Of Hope: Resilience Programme For Crisis-affected Children In The Somali Region Of Ethiopia

On 14 February, 2020, Education Cannot Wait announced the flagship of MYRP in three regional states of Ethiopia – Somali, Oromia and Amhara. The programme boasted a substantial budget of USD 27 million in seed funding for three years. With its resilience and determination, the Somali Region has been allocated 53% of the total allocation/fund. This budget encompasses the implementation costs, consortium, and grantee allocations, which are earmarked for national and sub-national education cluster coordination alongside emergency and refugee response initiatives.

In the Somali Region, the project targeted eight districts and 43 schools ravaged by climate-induced and artificial disasters; the project has been instrumental in making significant strides toward providing children with access to a secure, fair, inclusive, equitable, and quality education.

Global Citizen

Why Education Is Critical for Children in Conflict Areas

For more than 222 million children around the world who currently live in a conflict zone, however, the ability to learn is treated more like a luxury than a right.

“During major active conflicts, it’s very dangerous to go outside of the home,” ​Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW), told Global Citizen. “Boys may be kidnapped to join armed groups; girls may be sexually abused — it’s a complete disruption of your environment that prevents you from accessing basic services like education.”

The Punch

UNICEF gifts 125 Adamawa schools teaching aids, promotes girlchild education

While speaking in Yola on Friday during the flaggoff of the distribution of instructional materials and school games facilities, Mr. Joel Jutum, UNICEF Education Consultant Bauchi field office, said that the investment of his organisation in education, especially in the North-east is to ensure that all children return to school after the insurgency experience witnessed in the area.

Jutum added, “UNICEF in partnership with our generous donors, including the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, Global Partnership for Education, Education Cannot Wait.


Financing for education in crisis: Where do we stand?

Noting that political support and policy commitments are fundamental to securing funding for education in emergencies, education funds such as GPE and Education Cannot Wait (ECW) are critical. Not only do they serve as catalysts for more funding, but they can also bridge the gap between humanitarian and development assistance through coordination at the global and country level.

Relief Web

Joint Statement by Germany and the World Bank on Strengthening Education and Skills Development in the Sahel

At present, the World Bank’s portfolio in support of education opportunities in the Sahel is significant and includes US$1,635 million in national and regional projects specifically targeted at addressing key gaps in the education and skills development sectors. This engagement also builds on the Sahel Education White Paper, a comprehensive analysis of the education sector in the Sahel and the Regional Education Strategy for Western and Central Africa. Germany supports basic education through multilateral funds such as Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). Since 2017 Germany has contributed €328,8 million to ECW and is the largest donor of the fund. With a contribution of €321 million for the years 2021-2026, Germany is the fourth largest donor of GPE in its current strategic phase (2021-2025).

Business Today

Education for the Future: Enhancing Youth Skills Fosters Peace and Development Worldwide

The key will be focusing on skills training fit for the 21st century. But it must start from early childhood education and continue all the way to secondary school and university. And it must include holistic supports such as school feeding, vocational training, catch-up classes and mental health and psychosocial support. These are essential in equipping today's youth with the skills they need to thrive in this changing economy.  

Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations, is one of the world's few multilateral funds to include youth representation in our governance structure. These young leaders were the catalysts behind our new #Youth4ECW campaign, which is activating youth networks worldwide to call for increased opportunities for today's young people.

Sudan Daily News

Education Cannot Wait Announces US$5 Million Grant in Response to ‘Super El Niño’ Floods in Somalia, ECW Funding in Somalia Tops US$40 Million

Somalia sits on the frontlines of the global climate crisis. Last year, a ‘Super El Niño’ event caused widespread flooding across the country, impacting over 2.5 million people. Recent heavy rains have made matters even worse.

To provide children and adolescents access to quality education, enhance preparedness and create an anticipatory action framework ahead of future climate hazards, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) announced today a US$5 Million First Emergency Response package that will be delivered across two phases over 18 months by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), in collaboration with local and international partners.

Inclusion International

Working together for inclusive education in emergencies in Niger

This blog post talks about an important project funded by Education Cannot Wait (ECW). The project is called “Accelerating quality inclusive equitable education in emergency for girls and boys with disabilities through partnerships with OPDs, including pilot interventions in Niger and Colombia.”

The project supports national organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) to promote inclusive education during emergencies. The project is led by Inclusion International and the International Disability Alliance (IDA).


Education for the Future: Enhancing Youth Skills Fosters Peace and Development Worldwide

Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations, is one of the world's few multilateral funds to include youth representation in our governance structure. These young leaders were the catalysts behind our new #Youth4ECW campaign, which is activating youth networks worldwide to call for increased opportunities for today's young people.


An On-Ramp To Education For Out-Of-School Children In Mali

ECW and UNICEF work closely with partners to ensure every child has the opportunity to go to school and learn

Delivered by UNICEF through a multi-year investment from Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, in coordination with Mali's Ministry of National Education and NGO partner Association Subaahi Gumo, the Reading Corner at the Mahamane Fondougoumo School has welcomed more than 70 children (including 42 girls) since it was established two years ago.