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Relief Web

Ethiopia Education Cluster Quarterly Newsletter January - March 2024

As of March 2024, EiE programs have successfully reached 356,000 individuals, but significant work remains to ensure all emergency-affected children have access to quality education. The number of out-of-school children (OOSC) due to emergencies is estimated at a staggering 8.85 million; it has continued to climb since mid 2023.


ƒ Collaborated with Cluster and Refugee Working Group partners on concept note for Education Cannot Wait (ECW) funded Anticipatory Action (AA) pilot for Ethiopia

ƒ Finalized response strategy with Education Cannot Wait for three year Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP) which will support crisis-affected regions of Amhara, Somali, and Tigray

Tenemos Noticias

Educar la mente sin educar el corazón no es educación

Según Educo, que trabaja de la mano de Education Cannot Wait, los llamados humanitarios que exigen educación disminuyen drásticamente (casi siete veces menos) en esta última década – pasaron de 517 millones de dólares a 3785 millones – y en este mismo período, las contribuciones solo se multiplicaron por cuatro, pasando de 190 millones a 805 millones.

Periodismo Publico

Resaltando la labor de quienes enseñan a la niñez: los maestros

El proyecto ‘La educación no puede esperar’, financiado por Education Cannot Wait, logró mejorar las condiciones, permanencia y pertinencia educativa a más de 13.100 participantes en su último año de implementación en el 2023, en las que se incluyeron talleres de bienestar docente a cientos de maestros y maestras de instituciones educativas ubicadas en La Guajira, Antioquia y Norte de Santander.


Docentes Rurales en Colombia: Un Pilar Vital en Medio De Desafíos Educativos

Un ejemplo notable de esfuerzos por mejorar la calidad educativa en zonas rurales es el proyecto ‘La educación no puede esperar’, financiado por Education Cannot Wait. Este proyecto ha logrado mejorar significativamente las condiciones, la permanencia y la pertinencia educativa para más de 13,100 participantes en su último año de implementación en 2023. Además, se han impartido talleres de bienestar docente a cientos de maestros y maestras de instituciones educativas ubicadas en La Guajira, Antioquia y Norte de Santander, brindándoles herramientas para enfrentar los desafíos únicos que enfrentan en sus roles como educadores rurales.


Educating the Mind Without Educating the Heart is No Education at All

An educated heart cannot turn a blind eye to the unrelenting destruction of human life or nature. An educated heart acts to prevent the growing inequities in the world. An educated heart finds it unbearable to ignore the right of 226 million children to a quality education. According to Education Cannot Wait’s strategic partner Educo, humanitarian appeals to meet education demands have dramatically increased more than sevenfold in the last decade – from US$517 million to US$3.785 billion – while contributions have only increased fourfold over the same period, from US$190 million to US$805 million.


A teacher inspires hope and learning amidst adversity

Al-Hol, northeast Syria – In the sprawling camp of Al-Hol, amidst basic living conditions and uncertainty, Rudayfah, a strong woman and mother of eight, found her calling as a teacher and a beacon of hope for children yearning to learn.

400 teachers were supported with training on class management and interactive teaching methods. The activities were funded with support from Education Cannot Wait

Pakistan News Index

Pakistan Office Annual Report 2023

UNICEF addressed both access and learning challenges in education by supporting gender sensitive empirical evidence on school dropouts, school language, Early Learning Development Assessment Standards, gender-responsive budgeting, and improved provincial education data systems. This enabled the government to improve strategic planning and monitoring of education service delivery. UNICEF provided crucial coordination to the education sector through various platforms. At national level, UNICEF supported the coordination of the Education Sector Working Group (ESWG)-EiE focusing on the Education 2022 floods response, the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP) and the Regional Response Plan (RRP) for Afghan Refugees.

Relief Web

Barriers and Enablers to Education in Libya - Situation Report, April 2024

Migrant and refugee children encounter the most difficulties accessing education, facing financial, documentation, social, and language barriers. The objective of this assessment is to inform the Education Cannot Wait consortium members and stakeholders about several factors influencing enrollment, dropout, and attendance in Libya.

Modern Diplomacy

In Yemen, despite 2 years of truce, the education crisis continues

In 2023, less than 20% of the education funding requirements were met in the Humanitarian Response Plan. Without sufficient aid to education, children’s rights will not be fulfilled, and the peace and recovery of the country could be at jeopardy.

The lack of funding for the education response in Yemen is reflected around the world and underscores the urgent need for humanitarian donors to fund education in crisis contexts.This includes funding education in humanitarian appeals and at the global level ensuring that Education Cannot Wait the global fund for education in emergencies is fully replenished.

News from Crystal Palace

MPs question ministers on plastic packaging… and preparing for natural disasters abroad

In 2023, we pledged £80 million to Education Cannot Wait (ECW), a global fund for education in emergencies, central to supporting education resilience in the face of increasing natural and man-made disasters. The FCDO‘s position paper, ‘Addressing the Climate, Environment, and Biodiversity Crises in and through Girls’ Education’ (2022), provides a framework of priority actions to build resilient and climate smart school systems. Increasingly, our bilateral education programmes are building climate resilience, and we are working, as leading donors, through global education funds – Global Partnership for Education and ECW – to protect education in the face of disasters.

Inter Press Service (IPS)

Education Cannot Wait Interviews Amy Clarke, Co-Founder and Chief Impact Officer for Tribe Impact Capital LLP

ECW: Education Cannot Wait and Tribe Impact Capital share a joint ambition to ensure children impacted by armed conflicts, climate change and other protracted crises can realize their potential through a quality education. How can our two organizations work together to make this goal a reality?

Amy Clarke: Education Cannot Wait (ECW) is on the ground fighting for the educational rights of children around the world who are placed in harm’s way. These vulnerable children face a reality filled with instability and uncertainty – an unacceptable condition for any child’s upbringing. As ECW works tirelessly to address the immediate educational needs of these children, it’s crucial we also forge a path toward a future that promises fairness, justice and equity.

All Africa

Uganda to Introduce National Children Play Day

Uganda is preparing to celebrate its first-ever national children's play day on April 30, 2024 to raise awareness about the transformative power of play in a child's life and its crucial role in healthy development.

The national play day is a collaborative effort spearheaded by the Ugandan government and supported by renowned international organizations like UNICEF, the LEGO Foundation, Education Cannot Wait, and Plan International.