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Showing 97 - 108 of 1435 results
IL Bernina

Le Banche Cantonali lanciano una soluzione d’investimento congiunta a favore dell’istruzione

L’istruzione scolastica è la base per lo sviluppo individuale, sociale ed economico di ogni persona. L’acquisizione delle conoscenze di base e delle competenze è essenziale per ogni individuo: per prendere decisioni, partecipare come cittadina o cittadino alla vita politica e integrarsi nella società e nella vita professionale. Vi sono però numerose sfide nel settore dell’istruzione. Secondo «Education Cannot Wait» (ECW), il fondo delle Nazioni Unite per l’istruzione in situazioni di emergenza, vi sono in tutto il mondo attualmente circa 224 milioni di bambine e bambini nelle aree di crisi che non hanno un accesso adeguato alle offerte educative. Il miglioramento dell’istruzione di qualità inclusiva ed equa è quindi uno dei 17 obiettivi per lo sviluppo sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite (Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile OSS) e dell’Agenda 2030 della Confederazione. 

The Borgen Project

Unlocking Economic Opportunities with Education in the Congo

Education Cannot Wait (EWC), the global fund for education in less-resourced areas, has stepped in to aid the DRC. The nonprofit is addressing teacher shortages, supplying psychosocial support services and training for educators and instituting nutrition programs at school. As of August 2023, EWC has built or rehabilitated 343 classrooms and trained 2,425 teachers. The inclusivity and protection component of its mission has facilitated the distribution of more than 3,000 female hygiene kits to girls and supports the monitoring of school performance.

Libero Quotidiano

#WeTheWomen: A Vision, A Mission, A Movement

Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine Sherif Statement on the International Day of Women in Diplomacy. 

Germany's Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Svenja Schulze is another empathetic and fearless leader that has helped to put education funding at the top of the international agenda. Her leadership has been essential in building Education Cannot Wait as a global multilateral fund. "By bringing together public and private actors in humanitarian aid and development cooperation, ECW creates a bridge between short-term humanitarian action and longer-term development," said Schulze.

The Express Tribune

Training Workshop Held for Schoolteachers

A one-day workshop for government school teachers was organized by the Participatory Rural Development Society (PRDS) on Saturday with the aim of improving teaching methodologies and promoting a conducive learning environment in schools.

Organised with the support of Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and the Multi-Year Resilience (MYR) Programme, the training workshop was attended by education advocates and teachers from different schools in the Peshawar, Nowshera and Charsadda districts.

University World News

Steep rise in military attacks on higher education globally

The latest Education under Attack report published by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) notes a steep rise in military and political violence against education in general and higher education in particular during 2022 and 2023 as conflict around the world increased.

GCPEA is a global coalition of UN and other international agencies committed to protecting education from attack. The report is the seventh in the Education under Attack series. It analyses global trends and profiles attacks and military use of schools and universities in 28 countries. It is supported by the Education Above All Foundation, Education Cannot Wait, and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Le Cameroun Accueille 460 Mille Réfugiés Etrangers (HCR)

En attendant de réunir tous les fonds nécessaires, d’autres mécanismes sont mis en place. C’est le cas du programme Education Cannot Wait (ECW), en partenariat avec le gouvernement camerounais. Le 19 juin, le HCR a mis en avant les résultats intermédiaires de ce programme, qui vise à financer l’éducation des personnes en situation de crise humanitaire dans 64 municipalités à travers le pays.

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen — JLU

Adenike Oladosu appointed as the "ECW Climate Champion

The Panel congratulates our Planetary Spaces fellow Adenike Oladosu on her latest appointment as the "ECW Climate Champion" by the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, Education Cannot Wait (ECW). As the ECW Climate Champion, Oladosu raises her voice and calls on world leaders to connect climate action with education action as we race to protect our people and our planet from the devastating consequences of the climate crisis, including its negative impacts on education.


Africa’s Forgotten Crisis: A Return To Education In Burkina Faso

Since 2019, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the UNICEF-hosted global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, has invested more than $23 million in Burkina Faso, reaching close to 400,000 children, including 167,000 internally displaced children and over 200,000 host community children. The investment is providing learning materials, training and funding teachers, building and rehabilitating temporary learning spaces, and providing other holistic supports to get girls and boys back to the safety and security of the classroom.

The Children's Book Review

Zaya’s Dream | Dedicated Review

Zaya’s Dream is not only a beautifully told story but also a call to action. It reminds readers of the millions of children whose lives have been upended by emergencies and protracted crises and the urgent need to protect their right to education. By supporting the global fund Education Cannot Wait and nonprofit publisher NABU, who work tirelessly to provide quality education to children left furthest behind in the world – and who joined efforts in developing this story – we can help turn dreams like Zaya’s into reality.


Heute stehen wir in Solidarität mit den Flüchtlingen weltweit, heute stehen wir für die Menschenrechte

Am Weltflüchtlingstag müssen wir uns mit den 120 Millionen gewaltsam vertriebenen Menschen - darunter 43 Millionen Flüchtlinge weltweit - solidarisieren, die aufgrund von Verfolgung und Konflikten ihre Heimat und ihre Menschenrechte verloren haben.


Aujourd'hui, nous nous tenons aux côtés des réfugiés du monde entier, aujourd'hui, nous défendons les droits de l'homme

À l'occasion de la Journée mondiale des réfugiés, nous devons nous tenir solidaires des 120 millions de personnes déplacées de force – dont 43 millions de réfugiés dans le monde entier – qui ont perdu leurs foyers et leurs droits humains à cause de la persécution et des conflits.

Mercado Financiero

Hoy nos solidarizamos con los refugiados de todo el mundo, hoy defendemos los derechos humanos

Al unirnos a los socios del sistema de las Naciones Unidas, los donantes, el sector privado y los estados miembros, no podemos olvidar el poder de la educación para proteger y salvaguardar el futuro de los niños más vulnerables del mundo. Se trata de niños desarraigados de sus hogares, sus escuelas y su país, que a menudo acaban fuera del sistema escolar público.