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Global Heroes

Education Cannot Wait Interviews Finland’s Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio

ECW: At this year’s UN General Assembly, Finland announced a generous new €8 million ($11 million CAD) contribution to Education Cannot Wait, bringing total commitments to €16 million ($23 million CAD). Why is investing in education for children and youth living on the frontlines of the world’s toughest contexts a continued priority for the Finnish Government?

Tavio: The rights of children and youth are not suspended during an emergency. This includes the right to education. Education in emergencies—providing quality learning opportunities in crisis situations—often depends on international assistance since the national duty-bearers are incapable of fulfilling their obligations due to conflicts and violence, public health emergencies or disasters.


A fascinating request for STEM teaching in Afghanistan

Girl’s education globally is a priority for the FCDO. The UK has not specifically engaged with NGOs in Afghanistan on STEM teaching for girls. Our support focuses on foundational learning, which includes numeracy, literacy and socio-emotional skills. We are working with the international community to press the Taliban to reverse their restrictive decisions on girls’ education, while we continue to support the delivery of education, including through NGOs, UN partners, the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Education Cannot Wait, and the Global Partnership for Education. Our bilateral support has enabled 125,000 children, of which 83,700 are girls, to access education between September 2022 and June 2023.

El Pais

La educación es un salvavidas en los campos de refugiados rohinyá de Bangladés

Proporcionar educación a todos los niños y adolescentes de Cox’s Bazar es una iniciativa de magnitud considerable. Unicef y sus socios ayudan a 240.000 a aprender en 3.000 centros de aprendizaje, con donantes como La Educación no Puede Esperar (ECW, por sus siglas en inglés), el Banco de Desarrollo KfW y los gobiernos de Canadá, Australia, Estados Unidos y Reino Unido, entre otros. Gracias a ellos fue posible poner en marcha en 2021 el proyecto piloto del plan de estudios de Myanmar, lo que significa que todos los estudiantes rohinyá pueden recibir educación en su lengua nacional, un paso importante para ayudarlos a regresar algún día a sus hogares.

Borgen Magazine

Hearing Impairments in Peru

In 2018, Hear the World Foundation, World Wide Hearing Foundation International and Vibes, a company specializing in earplug manufacturing, partnered “to address this situation and bring access to hearing healthcare to 30,000 children in need in Peru.” Together, they “began a hearing screening campaign in schools in Lima to identify school children with hearing loss and provide them with services to improve their ability to hear, listen and speak.”

In addition, there are organizations focused on assisting children with disabilities more broadly. The U.N., in partnership with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), is “helping girls and boys with disabilities” in Peru through the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Act. This initiative aims to help many young boys and girls feel included in the classroom and help them find growth opportunities.


Yasmine Sherif: A Beacon of Hope for Education in Crisis Zones

Yasmine Sherif leads Education Cannot Wait in its mission to ensure education for children impacted by conflicts and crises. With a focus on the UN's SDG 4, the organization aims to provide quality education to 20 million crisis-affected individuals by 2026.

In a world where conflicts and crises disrupt the lives of millions, Yasmine Sherif stands as a beacon of hope. As the Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW), Sherif has dedicated her career to ensuring that every child caught in the crossfire of chaos has access to education.


Sud Su­dan: Save the Chil­dren, al­me­no 75 per­so­ne uc­ci­se, tra cui tre bam­bi­ni, du­ran­te le vio­len­ze ad Abyei

Save the Chil­dren sta at­tuan­do un pro­get­to in­te­gra­to di as­si­sten­za sa­ni­ta­ria di base e nu­tri­zio­ne nel­l’a­rea am­mi­ni­stra­ti­va di Abyei con il fi­nan­zia­men­to del­l’U­nio­ne Eu­ro­pea, che ha l’o­biet­ti­vo di for­ni­re as­si­sten­za sa­ni­ta­ria pri­ma­ria e aiu­ti sal­va­vi­ta gra­tui­ti, ser­vi­zi di sa­lu­te men­ta­le, sup­por­to psi­co­so­cia­le e con­tra­sto alla vio­len­za di ge­ne­re, ri­vol­gen­do­si ad una po­po­la­zio­ne di cir­ca 123.648 per­so­ne. L’Or­ga­niz­za­zio­ne sta an­che la­vo­ran­do per raf­for­za­re la ca­pa­ci­tà del si­ste­ma sa­ni­ta­rio lo­ca­le di pre­ve­ni­re, in­di­vi­dua­re e ri­spon­de­re ai fo­co­lai di ma­lat­tie en­de­mi­che co­mu­ni, con­tri­buen­do a ri­dur­re i casi di ma­lat­tie tra i bam­bi­ni sot­to i 5 anni, come la diar­rea, la ma­la­ria e la pol­mo­ni­te, e so­stie­ne l’i­stru­zio­ne per le ra­gaz­ze e i ra­gaz­zi col­pi­ti dal­la cri­si nel­l’am­bi­to del fon­do glo­ba­le Edu­ca­tion Can­not Wait (ECW).


A Beacon of Hope Amidst Crisis: Syria's Multi-Year Resilience Programme

The Syrian crisis has exacerbated the already existing barriers to education. Families, torn between the need to survive and the desire to learn, are forced to make heart-wrenching decisions. The perceived lack of safety and the bleak prospects of employment have led many to view schools as irrelevant, further perpetuating a cycle of illiteracy and despair.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, a glimmer of hope emerges. The Syria Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP), a joint initiative by UNICEF and the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Seed Funding, aims to provide equitable access to education for 3.4 million children over a span of three years. The MYRP is a comprehensive response to the educational crisis, addressing the root causes that have kept children out of school.

Saarbruecker Zeitung

Südsudan: Gewalt in Abyei nimmt zu / mindestens 75 Menschen getötet, darunter drei Kinder

In Abyei betreibt die Kinderrechtsorganisation ein EU-finanziertes Projekt, das kostenlose medizinische Grundversorgung für rund 124.000 Menschen anbietet. Außerdem erhalten die Menschen psychosoziale Unterstützung sowie Beratung zum Thema geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt. Krankheiten wie Durchfall, Malaria und Lungenentzündung, die für Kinder unter fünf Jahren oft tödlich sind, konnten so bereits erfolgreich zurückgedrängt werden.

African Peace Magazine UK

South Sudan: At least 75 people killed including three children as violence surges in Abyei

Save the Children is implementing an integrated primary health care and nutrition project in Abyei Administrative Area with funding from the European Union Humanitarian Aid. The program targets population of about 123,648 people, providing free lifesaving primary healthcare and nutrition integrated with Mental Health Psychosocial Support and Gender Based Violence services. Save the Children is also working to strengthen the capacity of the local health system to prevent, detect, and respond to outbreaks of common range of endemic diseases, contributing to a reduction in cases of common killer diseases among children under 5 years such as diarrhea, Malaria, and Pneumonia according to Health Officials. Save the Children also supports education sector for the crisis affected girls and boys under Education Cannot Wait program. Education Cannot Wait (ECW) is a global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises.


Leaving no one behind: A global pledge to provide inclusive education for refugees

At the first Global Refugee Forum in December 2019, GPE committed to more and better financing to scale up quality learning for refugees.

GPE also pledged to support inclusive and resilient systems to ensure quality education for refugees. These commitments have translated into concrete actions across multiple partner countries. 

GPE also joined Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and the World Bank in a pledge “to work together to close the education financing gap and provide technical assistance in refugee-hosting countries”. This joint pledge aimed to improve the coordination and financing of education for refugees and host communities.


Dubai Cares praised globally for its significant achievements towards education transformation in 2023

Dubai Cares made history at the 2nd edition of the RewirEd Summit, by bringing education to the forefront of the climate agenda at COP28. Featuring more than 1,000 participants, including 2 heads of state, 22 ministers, and 28 CEOs, with 260 speakers, representing 209 entities and 76 countries, the RewirEd Summit brought the education and climate sectors together under one roof for the first time in the history of all COPs as the flagship education summit of COP28, to position education transformation as a key enabler of sustainable development.

Moreover, Dubai Cares announced the spin-off of the RewirEd Summit as an independent standalone global platform led by a global board, announcing its co-chairs as Laura Frigenti, Chief Executive Officer, Global Partnership for Education (GPE); Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW); and Dr. Tariq Al Gurg, Chief Executive Officer and Vice-Chairman of Dubai Cares.


Save The Children and HIAS join efforts to provide children with access to educational services along the central American migration route

The “Education Without Limits Campaign: I learn here or there” is an initiative of the Regional Education Group for Latin America and the Caribbean (GRE-LAC) within the framework of the Regional component of the Multi-Year Resilience Program (MYRP) with funding from Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and the Government of Canada from the leadership of Save the Children, to make visible the educational crisis experienced by children and adolescents in a situation of mobility, in addition to promoting their access to and permanence in educational services, and to publicize the positive impact on a host community of children and adolescents in a situation of human mobility having access to this right.