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Jornal da USP
30 October 2024
Crianças afetadas por crises e desastres climáticos enfrentam atraso escolar e dificuldades no retorno à escola
Os conflitos e desastres climáticos têm impactado profundamente a educação das crianças ao redor do mundo. De acordo com o Fundo Global Education Cannot Wait (ECW) da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), cerca de 222 milhões de crianças em idade escolar viram sua educação interrompida por essas crises. Esse cenário torna ainda mais grave o fato de que, segundo o ECW, apenas 120 milhões dessas crianças, ou uma em cada dez, atendem aos requisitos de proficiência em matemática e leitura.
A Mother and Daughter Return to Learning in Pakistan
Through an accelerated learning program delivered by UNICEF with funding from Education Cannot Wait, 12-year-old Muqadas and her mother are back in school in one of Punjab's flood-affected districts.
Luckily for Muqadas, there is shelter in the storm. Through an innovative flood response program delivered by UNICEF with funding fromEducation Cannot Wait (ECW), the global fund for education in emergencies, accelerated learning programs are being put in place to get girls and boys back to learning across Pakistan.
The fast-acting program has supported more than 100,000 children by establishing temporary shelters, generating alternate learning pathways and rehabilitating schools. Delivered through a consortium of partners including UNICEF, the Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED), and the International Rescue Committee, the ECW investment is also providing mental health and psychosocial support and life-skills training to ensure a smooth transition for girls and boys who were pushed out of schooling by the floods — and still others who had never entered the classroom at all.
ECW and its strategic partners are piloting anticipatory action in response to the climate crisis in places like Pakistan. At this year’s UN General Assembly, ECW announced a $2.5 million grant to UNICEF to pilot anticipatory actions across six districts in Pakistan that are highly vulnerable to flooding.
MP calls for end to early marriage and gender-based violence
The program, funded by Education Cannot Wait and the Global Partnership for Education addresses the needs of young mothers, who often face additional economic and social challenges.
L'éducation sans délai le fond mondial des Nations Unies pour l'éducation dans les situations d'urgence et de crise prolongée quelles sont justement l'émission de ce fond mondial, élément de réponse avec notre invité dans un instant. Combien d'enfants vulnérables sur cette planète quelles sont les zones d'intervention de ECW ? Quelles sont les actions mises en place ? Surtout comment remettre les petits garçons, mais surtout les petites filles sur le chemin de l'école et comment convaincre forcément les familles ?
Education Cannot Wait quand est né ce fond et surtout quelles sont ces missions éducation sans délai ? C'est donc le fond des Nations Unies pour l'éducation et sa mission, c'est vraiment d'aider les enfants dans les situations d'urgence les enfants qui sont victimes de crise prolongée, que ça soit aussi des conflits, mais aussi de la crise climatique. C'est de d'accompagner ces enfants-l et de faire en sorte qu'il y ait un suivi dans leur éducation aujourd'hui à travers le monde
Vous intervenez aujourd'hui dans combien de pays ECW Education Cannot Wait est présente dans combien de pays écoutez dans de nombreux pays dont les pays où il y a des crises aujourd'hui.
Education Cannot Wait a investi par exemple 72 millions de dollars sur plusieurs années pour que 140000 enfants soient pris en charge et et qui bénéficient d'un soutien aujourd'hui qui est mis en œuvre par ECW Education Cannot Wait, mais aussi par les partenaires les différents partenaires des Nations-Unies, donc c'est vraiment surtout les zones de crise on agit dans les zones en urgence où les enfants ont vraiment besoin d'une aide.
Education Cannot Wait enfin on a plusieurs acteurs sur place évidemment. On travaille avec beaucoup de structures locales qui traitent, aussi bien des sujets éducatifs que des sujets environnementaux pour sensibiliser les populations sur place sur ces différentes crises qui les affectent.
Educación en tiempos de guerra: resiliencia en medio del caos
Education Cannot Wait (ECW) es el fondo mundial para la educación en situaciones de emergencia y, junto a otras organizaciones, están trabajando activamente para mejorar el acceso a la enseñanza de los afectados y desplazados por conflictos armados.
Mediante el apoyo a organizaciones como UNRWA, Save The Children, Education Cannot Wait ó The New Humanitarian, les ofrecemos esa oportunidad de reparar los daños y volver a empezar. Cada donación y cada voz cuentan para asegurar que la educación siga siendo un derecho incluso en los momentos más oscuros.
Cameroon Quarterly newsletter issue #5 - August 2024
Humanitarian access is all the more affected, limiting humanitarian actors’ response. The highlights of NRC - Cameroon over the period from May to August 2024, includes the participation in a high level lobby tour organized and supported by NRC representation offices in Brussels and Geneva in June, with the purpose of meeting stakeholders, present the 2023 neglected crisis report and raise awareness about the situation in Cameroon. NRC also actively participated in the ceremony to present the mid-term results of the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Multi-Year Resilience Program in Cameroon in June, where joint efforts of the various partners had a significant impact in the 64 target communes, reaching 227,000 children.
Central African Republic (CAR) - Sudan Situation External Update (6 - 12 October 2024)
This week, UNHCR participated in a review workshop organized by the Ministry of Education to evaluate the progress toward the education sector’s objectives. UNHCR facilitated the involvement of the Vakaga academic inspector in this event. Additionally, it was an opportunity to build connections with academic inspectors from regions hosting Sudanese refugees, including Bamingui-Bangoran, Haute-Kotto, Haut-Mbomou, Mbomou, Ouaka, and Lim Pende, to enhance collaboration, particularly for 2025. UNHCR also met with the Director General of the National Institute for Research and Pedagogic Animation (Institut National de la Recherche et de l'Animation Pédagogique) and the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education's Preschool Education Division to discuss ongoing and future activities as part of the Education Cannot Wait initiative.
République centrafricaine (RCA) - Situation Soudan, mise à jour externe, 6 -12 octobre 2024
Le HCR a aussi rencontré le directeur général de l'Institut national de la recherche et de l'animation pédagogique et l'inspecteur général de la division de l'éducation préscolaire du ministère de l'Éducation pour discuter des activités en cours et des prochaines étapes dans le cadre de l'initiative de Education Cannot Wait.
South Sudan: Transforming education with flood-resistant classrooms
Mayom Primary School is one of 22 schools that have been constructed or rehabilitated as part of the government's initiative to establish climate-resilient learning spaces in flood-affected areas of South Sudan.
The interventions help ensure that children do not miss school during the flood season and have led to an increase in the number of children attending school.
This was made possible by a GPE grant of US$10 million for 2023-2025, managed by Save the Children, as additional financing to the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Multi-Year Resilience Program (MYRP).
Uganda commemorates the International Day for the Girl
Peace Elly who arrived in Uganda together with her family 11 years ago completed her senior six in 2023. She scored 11 points having offered mathematics, physics, entrepreneurship and Computer. She has hopes of joining university soon to pursue her dream of becoming Information Technology Expert. Peace is an active champion of girls’ rights in her community. She is one the beneficiaries of a project implemented by Plan International Uganda with funding from the global programme ‘Education cannot Wait’ focusing on quality, safe and inclusive education in refugee and host districts in Uganda. The programme is geared towards Improving equitable and inclusive access to relevant learning opportunities; strengthening systems for effective delivery; and improving quality of education and training. The UK contributes over 25% of the total budget of the ECW programme globally.
“The education emergency programming, funded by Education Cannot Wait (ECW) as well as Postcode Education Trust, thanks to funding raised by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, is helping out-of-school children affected by the disaster in Kenya to be enrolled/re-enrolled and continue learning. We are immensely grateful for the support of ECW and the UK, which has allowed us to reach over 30,000 boys and girls through our education emergency program in the past year. Together, we are making a significant impact on the lives of these children,” said Nishimoto.
Uganda commemorates the International Day for the Girl
Peace Elly who arrived in Uganda together with her family 11 years ago completed her senior six in 2023. She scored 11 points having offered mathematics, physics, entrepreneurship and Computer. She has hopes of joining university soon to pursue her dream of becoming Information Technology Expert. Peace is an active champion of girls’ rights in her community. She is one the beneficiaries of a project implemented by Plan International Uganda with funding from the global programme ‘Education cannot Wait’ focusing on quality, safe and inclusive education in refugee and host districts in Uganda. The programme is geared towards Improving equitable and inclusive access to relevant learning opportunities; strengthening systems for effective delivery; and improving quality of education and training. The UK contributes over 25% of the total budget of the ECW programme globally.