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16 December 2024
Ecuador y UNESCO refuerzan su colaboración en Educación
Tatiana Villegas resaltó también los logros alcanzados en la inclusión educativa en contextos de emergencia, destacando el impacto positivo del Programa Multianual de Resiliencia (MYRP), que benefició a más de 214,000 niños y familias en situación de vulnerabilidad. Este programa, financiado por Education Cannot Wait y el Gobierno de Canadá, es un ejemplo del compromiso de Ecuador con la educación inclusiva y su capacidad para afrontar desafíos globales como la movilidad humana y los desastres naturales.
War Child Closes Its Doors in Iraq, Leaving a Lasting Impact on Children
A total of 47 projects were implemented across Iraq. Highlights include an economic empowerment initiative for conflict-affected youth and our combined protection and education project made possible by the United Nations’ billion-dollar fund, Education Cannot Wait. The latter, a two-year project which commenced in February 2022 and ended in June 2024, set out to make education more accessible to children affected by the humanitarian crisis. Activities took place in the Fallujah and Ramadi districts west of Baghdad. The project—which reached a total of 1400 children from start to finish—also included a strong protection and mental health component to ensure a holistic care package.
Education Cannot Wait announces US$ 2.6 million grant to UNHCR to accelerate refugee inclusion in national education systems
To address these growing needs, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and its strategic partners announced today a strategic Acceleration Facility Grant of US$ 2.6 million to UNHCR – the UN Refugee Agency – to accelerate refugee inclusion in national education systems in both emergency and protracted contexts.
With partners like Education Cannot Wait, the UK is supporting children to access education, especially in times of crisis.
“Together with UNHCR and our strategic partners, ECW stands by our shared commitment made at the Global Refugee Forum. We must ensure that every refugee child is enrolled in the national system and actually learns. This new grant – including the generous contribution from FCDO – turns our commitment into action,” said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait, the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises in the United Nations.
“This grant is a powerful example of how we are turning the Global Compact on Refugees into action by coordinating emergency responses and working closely with governments on the inclusion of refugees into national education systems. Our collaboration with ECW strengthens this effort, and we are excited to build a solid foundation of knowledge on how donors and states can partner to ensure refugee children have sustained access to quality education, both in times of crisis and beyond,” said Sajjad Malik, Director of the Division of Resilience and Solutions, UNHCR.
In line with the commitments in the Global Compact on Refugees, ECW and UNHCR support the inclusion of refugees in national education systems as this offers opportunities for certification, progress from one level of learning to the next and avoids the risks of reliance on short-term, externally funded education provision.
The new grant builds on ECW’s long-standing collaboration with UNHCR.
This work builds on ECW’s previous investments in strengthening education response coordination in emergencies.
Education Cannot Wait announces US$ 2.6 million grant to UNHCR to accelerate refugee inclusion in national education systems
The number of refugee children in need of quality education support jumped significantly in 2023, reaching 14.8 million. To address these growing needs, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and its strategic partners announced today a strategic Acceleration Facility Grant of US$ 2.6 million to UNHCR - the UN Refugee Agency - to accelerate refugee inclusion in national education systems in both emergency and protracted contexts.
"Together with UNHCR and our strategic partners, ECW stands by our shared commitment made at the Global Refugee Forum. We must ensure that every refugee child is enrolled in the national system and actually learns. This new grant - including the generous contribution from FCDO - turns our commitment into action," said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait, the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises in the United Nations
In line with the commitments in the Global Compact on Refugees, ECW and UNHCR support the inclusion of refugees in national education systems as this offers opportunities for certification, progress from one level of learning to the next and avoids the risks of reliance on short-term, externally funded education provision.
The new grant builds on ECW's long-standing collaboration with UNHCR. It will help the humanitarian system to be better positioned to support refugee inclusion in national systems and to find innovative ways of meeting the associated costs. In the early phases of a response, this will be achieved through strengthening refugee coordination mechanisms, while in protracted response settings, it will be achieved through strengthened approaches to national system inclusion.
Education Cannot Wait Announces US$2.6 Million Grant to UNHCR to Accelerate Refugee Inclusion in National Education Systems
The number of refugee children in need of quality education support jumped significantly in 2023, reaching 14.8 million. To address these growing needs, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and its strategic partners announced today a strategic Acceleration Facility Grant of US$2.6 million to UNHCR – the UN Refugee Agency – to accelerate refugee inclusion in national education systems in both emergency and protracted contexts.
“Together with UNHCR and our strategic partners, ECW stands by our shared commitment made at the Global Refugee Forum. We must ensure that every refugee child is enrolled in the national system and actually learns. This new grant – including the generous contribution from FCDO – turns our commitment into action,” said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait, the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises in the United Nations.
In line with the commitments in the Global Compact on Refugees, ECW and UNHCR support the inclusion of refugees in national education systems as this offers opportunities for certification, progress from one level of learning to the next and avoids the risks of reliance on short-term, externally funded education provision
The new grant builds on ECW’s long-standing collaboration with UNHCR. It will help the humanitarian system to be better positioned to support refugee inclusion in national systems and to find innovative ways of meeting the associated costs. In the early phases of a response, this will be achieved through strengthening refugee coordination mechanisms, while in protracted response settings, it will be achieved through strengthened approaches to national system inclusion.
ECO/ PRNewswire - A missão de alto nível da Education Cannot Wait na Etiópia pede soluções de financiamento ousadas e inovadoras para abordar urgentemente as necessidades educacionais de 9 milhões de crianças fora da escola afetadas pela crise
A delegação de alto nível da ECW viajou para a região de Tigray, que está se recuperando de um conflito de 3 anos que interrompeu completamente a educação. A delegação visitou escolas beneficiadas pelo financiamento da ECW e parceiros estratégicos, e encontrou-se com crianças, pais e professores. A delegação viu de perto o impacto dos programas apoiados pela ECW implementados por parceiros da ONU e da sociedade civil internacional e local ? incluindo UNICEF, Conselho Norueguês para Refugiados, Save the Children e Imagine1Day ? em estreita colaboração com o governo. Em uma única escola, a matrícula aumentou em impressionantes 20% no ano passado graças a um pacote abrangente de intervenções financiadas pela ECW.
"A crise de educação na Etiópia é uma das maiores crises silenciosas no mundo hoje. Mesmo assim, podemos ver um impacto impressionante pelos investimentos da ECW. A paixão pelo aprendizado entre meninos e meninas estava muito clara. Agora, precisamos apoiá-los e pedir com urgência por financiamento adicional aos parceiros doadores estratégicos", afirmou Yasmine Sherif, diretora executiva da Education Cannot Wait, fundo global para educação em emergências e crises prolongadas nas Nações Unidas.
"A Imagine1Day está profundamente grata por este subsídio da First Emergency Response da ECW. Com este generoso apoio, vamos fornecer para mais de 13.000 crianças fora da escola na região de Afar ? 60% das quais são meninas e 13% são crianças com deficiências ? acesso a ambientes de aprendizagem seguros. Este projeto não apenas melhorará o seu bem-estar, como também irá capacitá-los a alcançar seu potencial máximo. Considerando que a educação em situações de emergência na Etiópia tem sido severamente subfinanciada, este subsídio é fundamental para garantir que as crianças afetadas pela crise recebam a educação e o suporte de que precisam para construir um futuro mais brilhante", afirmou o Dr. Seid Aman, diretor nacional da Imagine1Day.
UNICEF expresses gratitude to the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), the people and Governments of France and Norway, the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration of the United States Department of State (BPRM), the German Federal Foreign Office, UNICEF National Committees of Luxemburg, Switzerland, Argentina, Education Cannot Wait, and Afeyan Foundation who have provided critical funding for the ongoing response.
Bold Donor Action Urgently Needed to Give Ethiopia’s Crisis-Impacted Children a Lifeline
“In the absence of education, both boys and girls may be mobilized into militant groups, and frequently, girls will be subjected to child marriage. The choice is to provide them with an education, as it is the pathway to their future and contribution to their society and also as a protection mechanism,” says Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises in the United Nations. “Being out-of-school puts them in harm’s way and onto the path of abuse, violations, and the destruction of their lives, their communities, and eventually their country. We must ensure that no child is left behind in the education system. Investing in the very real potential of Ethiopia’s young generation is not an option—it is an absolute necessity.”
Sherif traveled to the Tigray region in the first week of December 2024 together with the ECW Global Champion and Finance Minister of Denmark, Nicolai Wammen. ECW’s high-level delegation saw first-hand the devastating effects of the deadly three-year conflict between the Ethiopian central government and the northernmost region of Tigray, Ethiopia.
To date, ECW’s combined multi-year and emergency investments in Ethiopia have reached more than 550,000 children and adolescents, providing a comprehensive range of supports—school rehabilitation, teacher training, mental health and psychosocial support, inclusive education, school feeding, gender transformative initiatives, early childhood education, and more. ECW’s support focuses on the most vulnerable, including girls, children from refugee, displaced and host community communities, and children with disabilities.
ECW’s investments are aligned to the Ethiopia Humanitarian Response Plan and the Ethiopia Education Sector Development Programme VI, a detailed planning document that provides a comprehensive outlook of the roadmap that the country’s education sector is taking. The Global Fund urgently calls for additional resources to fill the USD 64 million funding gap to meet the requirements for the acute education needs in the 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan for Ethiopia.
The world is at a crossroads, with one path leading to ever more global fragmentation and deepening crises, and the other offering a chance to pursue individual and shared prosperity through joint solutions to common problems. While the choice seems clear, the outcome depends on our ability to overhaul existing institutions.
Українські школи отримають допомогу від ЮНІСЕФ на підготовку до зими
Нагадаємо, Фонд у сфері освіти в надзвичайних ситуаціях Education Cannot Wait "Освіта не може чекати" підписав угоду з Міністерством освіти і науки України провиділення гранту в розмірі $18 млнна забезпечення якісної та безпечної освіти.
NGO plans healthcare access, expands operations to N’East
“We are set to embark on an ambitious new chapter beginning from January 2025, and launching a three-year education initiative funded by Education Cannot Wait. This program aims to address the critical needs of out-of-school children in the northeastern states of Nigeria: Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe.
Україна отримає $18 млн на забезпечення якісної і безпечної освіти
Фонд у сфері освіти в надзвичайних ситуаціях Education Cannot Wait "Освіта не може чекати" підписав угоду з Міністерством освіти і науки України про виділення гранту в розмірі $18 млн на забезпечення якісної та безпечної освіти.
Зазначається, що ECW оголосив про початок багаторічної програми підтримки України, на яку фонд виділив 18 млн доларів США.
"Локалізація програми, тобто залучення місцевих організацій не лише до впровадження проєктів, але й до менеджменту програми, є важливою складовою партнерства з ECW.
Підтримка ECW та реалізація програми сприятиме безперервності викладання та навчання, поєднуючи задоволення гуманітарних потреб та розвиткові проєкти для підтримки системи освіти в умовах війни.
І я надзвичайно вдячний Education Cannot Wait за спільне бачення та підтримку. За те, що не лише допомагаєте Україні відповідати на виклики війни, а й підтримуєте довгострокову розбудову системи української освіти", — зазначив Оксен Лісовий, міністр освіти і науки України.