A Common Platform for Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises: Evidence Paper
This evidence paper prepared by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) ahead of the launch of Education Cannot Wait (ECW) explores a series of key questions to inform the ways forward with regards to the creation...
Education Cannot Wait: Proposing a Fund for Education in Emergencies
This report was prepared by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), ahead of the creation of Education Cannot Wait (ECW). The paper outlines the potential operation of the new fund designed to transform the global education...
WHS Special Session: Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises
This flyer was released during a World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) special session, which launched Education Cannot Wait (ECW) in May 2016. This document highlights the three desired outcomes of the fund to solve education needs...
The Education Cannot Wait (ECW) 2016 Case for Investment calls on governments, private sector companies, philanthropic foundations and global leaders to support the launch of the new ECW fund to bridge the education funding gap...
The UNICEF 8 Quick Steps to Ethical Imagery outlines UNICEF's policy to protect and safeguard children's representation in photographs. Education Cannot Wait both follows and expects partners to follow all policies as outlined. The steps...