Disability and Inclusive Education Forum Recommendations
In this document, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and other organizers of the Disability Inclusive Education Forum held on 4 December 2020, provide their recommendations on how to achieve SDG4 by upholding the right to education...
Strengthening Education Management Information Systems and Data for Increased Resilience to Crisis: Uganda Case Study
This case study focuses on the education data collection, analysis, and management processes in Uganda. In particular, it is intended to outline gaps, challenges and potential remedial actions in this regard. The case study covers...
Strengthening Education Management Information Systems and Data for Increased Resilience to Crisis: Syria Case Study
This case study focuses on the education data collection, analysis, and management processes in Syria. In particular, it is intended to outline gaps, challenges and potential remedial actions in this regard. The case study covers...
Strengthening Education Management Systems and Data for Increased Resilience to Crisis: South Sudan Case Study
This case study focuses on the education data collection, analysis, and management processes in South Sudan. In particular, it is intended to outline gaps, challenges and potential remedial actions in this regard. The case study...
Strengthening Education Management Information Systems and Data for Increased Resilience to Crisis: Palestine Case Study
This case study focuses on the education data collection, analysis, and management processes in Palestine. In particular, it is intended to outline gaps, challenges and potential remedial actions in this regard. The case study covers...
Strengthening Education Management Information Systems and Data for Increased Resilience to Crisis: Ethiopia Case Study
This case study focuses on the education data collection, analysis, and management processes in Ethiopia. In particular, it is intended to outline gaps, challenges and potential remedial actions in this regard. The case study covers...
Strengthening Education Management Information Systems and Data for Increased Resilience to Crisis: Chad Case Study
This case study focuses on the education data collection, analysis, and management processes in Chad. In particular, it is intended to outline gaps, challenges and potential remedial actions in this regard. The case study covers...
This document serves as a template for Acceleration Facility (AF) applicants. The AF works to "make strategic contributions to addressing priority systemic barriers so that existing actors can expand and extend collective work to deliver...
The First Emergency Response Window (FER) window responds to the most immediate and urgent education needs as a crisis suddenly occurs or escalates. This streamlined document provides guidelines for grantees as to what information is...
The First Emergency Response Window (FER) window responds to the most immediate and urgent education needs as a crisis suddenly occurs or escalates. FER applicants should use this template to submit their application, ensuring to...
This Operational Manual outlines policies and procedures related to the operations of Education Cannot Wait (ECW) as a global fund dedicated to education in emergencies and protracted crises. It is informed by established standards and...
This is a resource for Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP) teams as they begin to plan and develop a MYRP application. The document includes a list of preparation activities and an overview of the MYRP Development...