School-related gender-based violence: achieving systemic, sustainable change - with youth and for youth
An estimated 246 million girls and boys experience violence in and around schools every year. Despite knowing the huge scale and wide-reaching impacts of SRGBV not enough is being done politically and at the education...
ECW Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP) South Sudan 2023-2026
The 2023-2026 Multi-Year Resilience Programme for South Sudan builds on the successes and lessons learned of the 2019 MYRP. Led by Save the Children and the additional grantees of Norwegian Refugee Council and Finn Church...
Crisis-Affected Children and Adolescents in Need of Education Support: New Global Estimates and Thematic Deep Dives
This 2023 report presents an update of the 2022 ECW global figures of out-of-school children in emergencies and their educational outcomes using an updated three-stage methodology. This revised methodology provides a more precise, consistent way...
Embedding Violence Prevention and Response in Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crisis Settings
A Joint Safe to Learn-Education Cannot Wait Guidance Note for Practitioners
In humanitarian crises, educational and well-being activities must be resumed as quickly as possible because education offers crucial physical, mental health, psychosocial and cognitive...
Plan International Australia and Save the Children Australia have launched a call to action for the government of Australia to invest in ECW and support the education of children and adolescents affected by emergencies and...
In crisis contexts, girls' learning outcomes often fall behind boys' due to the compounding and intersecting forms of marginalization (based on gender, age, disability, geography, ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation, displacement, statelessness and more) they experience...
Delivering on Our Ambition to Advance Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls: Implementation Guide
ECW’s Gender Implementation Guide aims to unpack the gender commitments made in the Fund’s Strategic Plan 2023-2026 and the Gender Policy and Accountability Framework 2023-2026. It is a strategic document for ECW Secretariat staff and...
Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls: Policy and Accountability Framework 2023-2026
ECW’s second Gender Policy and Accountability Framework covers the period 2023-2026. The purpose of the policy is to guide the Education Cannot Wait Secretariat to make Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls (GEEWG)...
Unprecedented School Closures Jeopardise the Future of Millions in West and Central Africa
This report outlines an unprecedented and very disturbing reality that a total of 13,371 schools remain closed as a result of conflict and insecurity in Central and West Africa. In line with the United Nations...
Humanitarian Education Accelerator: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Toolkit
ECW funds The Humanitarian Education Accelerator (HEA), a programme led by UNHCR which supports promising humanitarian education innovations to transition from successful pilots to programmes that can operate at scale. This Monitoring, Evaluation and...
Learning Paper: Financing Scale in Humanitarian Education Innovation
ECW funds The Humanitarian Education Accelerator (HEA), a programme led by UNHCR which supports promising humanitarian education innovations to transition from successful pilots to programmes that can operate at scale. The HEA seeks to address...