The Education Cannot Wait’s (ECW) Visibility Guidance Note provides guidance on how to ensure visibility and incorporate ECW messaging throughout the implementation of ECW’s grant cycle. It aims to ensure cohesive and coordinated use of...
Guidance Note on the Meaningful Engagement of Local Women’s and Girls’ Organisations (LWGOs) in ECW-supported Investments
This guidance note is primarily aimed at ECW Secretariat staff to provide guidance to country teams on the operationalization of ECW’s commitment to meaningfully engage with local women's and...
Guidance Note on the Integration of GBV Risk Mitigation Measures in ECW-supported Investments (FERs and MYRPs)
This guidance note is primarily aimed at ECW Secretariat staff and First Emergency Response and Multi-Year Resilience Programme country teams to provide guidance to country teams on the operationalization...
The Education Cannot Wait (ECW) COVID-19 Response Profile is a chapter of the ECW 2020 Annual Results Report that highlights the Fund's strategy and rapid response to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on...
The ECW Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP) 2021-2024 in Iraq aims to support crisis-affected girls and boys, including adolescents, to have increased and continuous access to safe, protective, inclusive and quality education to support their well-being...
Education Cannot Wait (ECW) 's landmark Technical Guidance Note on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises (EiEPC) provides practical guidance to grantees to ensure children and adolescents receive...
Education Cannot Wait (ECW) 's landmark Technical Guidance Note on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises (EiEPC) provides practical guidance to grantees to ensure children and adolescents receive...
This is the executive summary of Education Cannot Wait (ECW)'s 2020 Annual Results Report. It summarizes the progress made by ECW to achieve its strategic objectives and support quality education outcomes for children and adolescents...
Winning the Human Race: ECW Annual Results Report 2020
This Annual Results Report presents the progress made by Education Cannot Wait (ECW) in 2020. It captures ECW's performance in inspiring political commitment, raising additional funding for education in emergencies and protracted crises and supporting...
Gender in Education in Emergencies Online Resource Library
As part of its partnership with UN Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI), Education Cannot Wait (ECW) helped establish an Online Library on gender and education in emergencies (EiE). This dedicated resource centre provides curated resources and...
This document represents the outcome of the “Disability Inclusive Education Forum - Reaching the most marginalised” held on 4th December, 2020. The organizers and co-hosts1 of the Forum will use these messages2 to ensure that...
The 2021 Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Case for Investment calls on governments, private sector companies, philanthropic foundations and global leaders to rise and support efforts to mobilize additional resources to bridge ECW's funding gap for...